1-General conditions of purchase and the Aceptación

The general conditions of purchase (in this way, the “terms and conditions of purchase” regulate the acquiring, through the website, www.canpistraques.com, por any of the customers of CAN PISTRAQUES, S.L. (in the “Cliente”), and the company CAN PISTRAQUES, S.L. (in Adelante CAN PISTRAQUES) of the productos ofrecidos by means of its on-line. You have general conditions of purchase are complemented by the legal Aviso of this web www.canpistraques.com, as Conditionones Generales de Acceso y Uso de la misma (in Adelante, the Legal Aviso) that the Cliente should consult through the Enlace Specifico of the Aviso Legal, con character microphone preamplifier to acceso in the online store and that will remain aceptadas with the aceptación of the present generales conditions of purchase.

Los datos identifiable by the company responsible for the online store are those that appear in continuation:

C/New, 12 43762 the Riera de Gaià (Tarragona)

To make purchases in the online store, you will need to be registered or registered as a user of the online store and accept the present Generales conditions of purchase. The aceptación of the condition Generales of purchase Signiará the Aceptación expresto, full and sin reservas, of the totally of the conditions Generales of purchase in the Versión published Por CAN PISTRAQUES in the moment of the acceso of the Cliente in the Tienda online. In the case that I am not attending the conten of the present generales conditions of purchase, Ud. Deberá Click on the Botón “Cancelar” to be located at the end of the Mismas no debido, in such a case, make purchases in the online store.

CAN PISTRAQUES will be able to modify it in a unilateral way, in cualquier momento I take the configuration of the presente, the conditions of the service y su contenido, así como delearlos, limitarlos or suspenderlos temporary or definitively, así como Prevent access to the ourselves in seeking to inform the user of Dicho change via e-mail, su periodical en la página, siempre y cuando las circunstancias así se lo permitan.

Las hojas officiales de Reclamación will be available to customers by means of e-mail informacio@canpistraques.com.

2-nature of the virtual supermarket

The online store is intended for finales consumers, in the Sentido set by the royal Decree Legislativo 1/2007, of 16 of November, by which aprueba the Texto refundido of the Ley General for the defence of the consumers and users, is decir for the consumption propio of the clients or of the personas in quantity of the exact the Cliente is Legalmente autorizado to act. Por tanto, be Excluidas del servicio de la tienda online companies Mayoristas, Distribuidoras, centales of purchase, Grandes Superficies, Otros intermediarios professiononales of the sector of the Alimentación and SUS demographic refines.

In the past, the huge of the productos acquired is totally prohibited through online store.

Como Cliente, Ud. Declares to be mayor of age and experience of the legal capacity Suficiente para vincularse por las Presents general conditions of purchase in the contract con CAN pistraques, S.L. No Obstante the previous, Ud. Accept, in an express way, and without exceptions, that the access and the use of the online Tienda lugar bajo su Single and exclusive responsibility.

3-operation of the online store

3.1-Surtido of products and Applicación of precios of CAN PISTRAQUES.

CAN PISTRAQUES offers you a big and varied product and products for you, so that from a computer the customer will acquire fresh products that are very necessary to desplazarse.

Los productos Suministrados will Encuentran Sujetos to the legal guarantee recovered in the Título VI of the royal Decree Legislativo 1/2007, of 16 of Noviembre, by which the Texto refundido of the general Ley for the defence of the consumers and users and Otras Leyes Complementarias are aprueba.

CAN PISTRAQUES informs you that all the necessary samples in the supermarket include the Imesto on the value Añadido (VAT) applicable.

CAN Pistraques reserves the rights to modify unilaterally, in cualquier Momento y sin notice previo, the precios of the productos, así como a suspender or cancel Su sale on a temporary or permanent basis, sin that this Facultad Excluya the obligación of CAN PISTRAQUES of Dar Cumplimiento to the Contrataciones previamente effecadas por sus Clientes.

3.2-Preparing them requests and Recibirlos

CAN pistraques Le guarantees the existence of all the products that are ofrecen in the store, if bien, points out puede not guarantee the availability of the ourselves para todos los clientes y en los volúmenes required by you in the moment of making the Pedido.

3.3-Delivery at Domicilio

(a) delivery at Domicilio

The repair in Domicilio is done with an external company of Mensajeria, completely equipados para that the Productos read in the mejores conditions to the Dirección chosen by the Cliente, in a maximum of 3 days from the exit.

Additionalmente, the products will be given out of an isotérmica and Dentro Caja the product of it, the product purchased and a accumulator of Frío to guarantee that no Haya variations important of temperature, guarantee of this form the maximum quality of the product

(b) Recovered in physical fitness, located in the Riera de Gaià, Tarragona.

CAN PISTRAQUES offers the posibilidad of that the Cliente pase to Recoger the Pedido in one of nuestros points of sale, habilitados to such efecto. If so, you will be able to go to the next section of the project to be recovered.

Horarios of delivery

Le avisaremos cuando el pedido salga de nuestras Envia Instalaciones and the time of delivery approximate.

CAN Pistraques not take responsibility for any fear on the delivery of the requests Cuando Este exclusive sea fault of the buyer or the person who will answer civilmente. In Términos generales, y of Acuerdo con Lo that establish the normative vigente, CAN PISTRAQUES not will hará responsible cuando los Daños the Perjuicios causados to the buyer Sean Causados por su exclusive fault or fear of the personas that tienen that responder Civilmente.

Gastos de servicio

Los expenses de delivery in Domiclio por pedido will be Los Siguientes:

  • To €15 from linkage purchase: €9 of shipping costs.
  • of €15 to €35 of purchase: €4 of shipping costs.
  • of €35 to €50 of purchase: €2 of shipping costs.
  • From €50 to purchase the costs of shipping are gratuítos.
  • If the purchase is recovered in the point of sale CAN PISTRAQUES los Coastlines of shipping are gratuítos.

Incidencias and Devoluciones

In the Supuesto that kindest Algun product fauloso, that someone of the productos Solicitados no lo hubiera recibido or that recibiera some product no solicitado, Deberá communicate in an immediate way in the e-mail informacio@canpistraques.com or Llamando al teléfono de Atención al customer 977655102 y Procederemos A to solve the aforementioned incident a la Mayor Brevedad Posible and a Nuestro cargo.

Derecho de Desistimiento

Tiene usted está en to withdraw from the present contrato in a plazo of 14 días naturales without need of justiación.

The Plazo of Desimiento expire to the 14 days natural of the day that usted está en or a tercero por usted está en indicado, distinto of the carrier, acquired the Evil Dead material of the Pedido or, in case of a magic delivery of a mismo pedido, the day that usted está en or a tercero por usted está en Indicado, Distinto del Carrier, Haya adquido the material of the last of the bienes of a pedido.

For ejercer the derecho of Desistimiento, Deberá usted está en notify to CAN PISTRAQUES, S.L. C/Nou, 12 of the Riera de Gaià in Tarragona (43762), Teléfono 977655102, the decision to withdraw from the contrato through an unequivocal declaración (Por ejemplo, a letter sent by postal mail). Podrá use the model of the form of desistimiento what we can acceder a menú ask for e-mail to informacio@canpistraques.com. If you are receiving ESA, the communication will not delay in a dividers soporte Duradero (por ejemplo, por correo electrónico) The Recepción de Dicho desistimiento.

To fulfill the plazo of Desistimiento, enough that the Comunicación relative to the two por su parte of this derecho sea sent antes that Venza the Plazo correspondiente.

The Derecho de desistimiento not be applicable to Suministro de:

-Bienes that they deteriorate or expire with Rapidez.

-Bias sealing that not Sean Aptos be devueltos por reasons health protection or hygiene and that Hayan sido desprecintados tras la surrender.

-A bienes that Después de su surrender and bearing in Cuenta su naturaleza, will Hayan mezclado of indivisible form con otros bienes.

Consecuencias del Desistimiento:

In case of Desistimiento por su parte, le devolveremos todos los pagos recibidos de usted, including the expenses of delivery (with the exception of additional expenses resulting from the funds por su parte of a deferred delivery model to the Modalidad Menos Costly delivery ordinaria that offer) without an undue delay and, in any case, to more than 14 días naturales from the Fecha in which we report the decision to withdraw from the present contrato. Procederemos to make Dicho reembolso utilizando el mismo medio de pago employee por usted está en para la transacción initial, unless The Hague can dispuesto expresamente lo contrario; In all Caso, not incurrirá in any sence as a consequence of the reembolso. In Cualquier caso, Podremos retener el reembolso hasta haber recibido los bienes, or hasta que usted está en haya presented una prueba de la devolución de los Mismos, segun que Conditionón fulfilled first.

Deberá usted está en devolvernos or entregarnos directly los Bienes en el establecimiento CAN pistraques, previous comunicación por su parte en el teléfono de Atención al cliente 977655102, sin zero delay indebida y, in Cualquier caso, Más take in the Plazo of 14 Días naturales from the Fecha in that us how SU decision of Desistimiento of the contrato. I will consider cumplido the Plazo if it effectuará the devolución of the bienes that Haya Concluido dicho Plazo.

Deberá usted está en assumed el coste directo de devolución de los Bienes

Solo will be responsible for the reduction of value of the two results of a manipulation different from the need for set La Naturaleza, las characteristics y el functionamiento de los Bienes.

3.4-Payment factoration and payment

For these customers who will be requesting a purchase invoice for the sale made, it is due to be stated that in the context of the Royal Decree 1619/2012 of 30 November, the regulation for regulating the factoring the Fecha tope para la emisión de facturas will be on the 16th of the month next to Aquel in which the corresponding purchase is Realizado.

The Pago can be realizarse mediante las siguientes Tarjetas de crédito or Débito:

Visa Electrón
American Express

El collect de las purchases controllers por el Cliente will go to Cabo in the moment of Formalizar the purchase.

CAN Pistraques guarantees the customer the total security of their transactions, at the same number of the highest issues estándares Tecnológicos a la fecha of puesta en funcionamiento de la online, in the development of notarial and security services:

CAN PISTRAQUES Le informs you that, for the guarantee of your security as a customer, has a collaboration with the Universal Pay Society, dedicated to the implementation of security systems in electronic transactions and particularly in the Produzcan on the Internet. For Más información, Pulse on the logotype of Universal Pay and accederá a page www.universalpay.com, donde you’ll find more information on the Medidas of security implemented in the service of Supermercado online.

3.5-Confidentiality and security

Los datos facilitated by the customer are considered por can pistraques Información confidential and in the Sentido CAN Pistraques Preserve the Confidenticialidad of Toda Información Obtenida of the client.

Asimismo, can Pistraques has acquired, from a Principio, a serio compromiso a fin to guarantee the security in Todas sus taxing comerciales.

Por este motivo, the system of electronic commerce used by this company is located alojado in a server Seguro, so that we use confidential information is done safely, mediante the advanced system of encryption Datos SSL. (Secure Socket Layer)

The user Puede discover that is located in a safe zone cuando the URL change of http://a https://, Visualizando además a candado cerrado in the inferior part of the navigator. In this way, all the datos who have been from ESE Momento Viajarán totally encrypted, guaranteeing the total security of the Transacciones.

4-Confirmación documentary of the procurement effected

CAN pistraques le remitirá, una vez aceptadas of form expresses the present general conditions of purchase, justificación of the procurement carried out, Vía Telematics via Correo electrónico.

5-Fuerza Mayor

In the effects of the Presentones Generales will entenderá por Fuerza Mayor, a título enunciativo pero no limitativo, (i) Todo Suceso not blame impossible for prever, or that Previsto or foreseeable, fuere inevitable, (ii) The Fallos on the website of the Distintas páginas Web or the App of the Supermercado, (iii) The Fallos in the network Electrictrica or Telefónica, (iv) Los Daños producidos por terceros or attack to the server of the supermarket on line (virus) that affect the quality of the services and not Sean Imputable neither in CAN pistraques nor to the Cliente, (v) The Fallos in the transmission, Difusión, almacenamiento or delivery to Terceros of the Productos y demás of the Portal, (vi) The problems or errores in the Recepción, award o acceso en la tienda online por parte de dichos terceros, (vii) Fire, (viii) Flooding or Terremotos, (ix) Huelgas or Conflicts laborales u otros desórdenes sociales that impidan the Suministro de los productos y por tanto el cumplimiento de las obligaciones asumidas por CAN pistraques, (x) The Scaro or unavailability of fuel or energy electrictrica, (xi) Accidentes, (xii) conflicts (xiii) Commercial embargos or cualquier Tipo, (xiv) Blocos, (xv) Disturbios, or (xvi) Por razón of cualquier disposal. The Errores administrative or management will not be considerados as cases of Fuerza mayor.

6-Personal Data protection policy of CAN PISTRAQUES, S.L.

6.1-Responsible for the Tratamiento

CAN PISTRAQUES, S.L. (in Adelante, CAN PISTRAQUES), NIF: B43366863 Calle Nou, 12, La Riera de Gaià (Tarragona)
Contact datos of the Data protection delegate: informacio@canpistraques.com

6.2-¿Qué datos tratamos y durante cuánto tiempo?


(i) The data of personal character facilitated by con occasion of request of discharge/Registro, in general; identification, personal characteristics, professionalism and electronic contact, in particular;

(ii) those that are facilitated in the Proceso of purchase or contratación, in general; Los obtenidos por el uso de la tarjeta, así como las purchases asociadas a la misma y datos para carry out/Autorizar pago and invoice the products and services, in particular;

(iii) The Resultantes de processes Informáticos (hábitos de Schlossturm or USO del MEDIO Y/o entorno DIGITAL cuando se haga uso del mismo), IP e information collected through cookies, labels of pixel Y otras tecnologías;

(iv) The Derivados to Futuro of the contractual relación;

(v) datos that CAN pistraques unsubscribe infer from Datos estadísticos,

CAN pistraques tratará y almacenará los datos mientras el Customer is activo como suscriptor the page www.canpistraques.com, así como durante el plazo of Prescripción Legales, that they will pudieran nacer of possible responsibility vinculadas to the tratamiento of the Datos of Cliente.

6.3-¿En qué consiente el customer cuando facilitates sus datos?

CAN PISTRAQUES trata y almacena datos necesarios para:

(i) Provide the services that are ofrecen in the online store

(ii) Development, management, maintenance and control of site www.canpistraques.com Y los Servicios Vinculados al Mismo.

Can pistraques, promoter, owner and manager of the program, Medio y/o entorno digital, almacenará in a fichero los datos de character personal, enumerados in the preceding section, with the Finalidad of Desarrollar, manage, maintain and control the Club de loyalty y los Servicios Vinculados al Mismo, based on Estudios, selling de perfiles, segaciones sobre es datos y/or Cruces con otros ficheros responsabilidad of CAN Pistraques, for the offer of Promociones Ligadas to the condition of cliente, to Through medios of electronic communication or no, references to productos or services of the sector that are related to actividad.

This tratamiento is Inútiles para el desarrollo y execution of this negotiated/contractual relation. Do not obstante him previous, the Cliente puede oponerse to the tratamiento of Sus datos con fine promotional and to the recepción of this type of Envíos, in the Proceso of register or in a momento posterior, siguiendo the procedimiento for the two of Derechos describe in the Apartado 6.4.

6.4-¿Puede the user oponerse to Recibir commercial comunications or to the Tratamiento con fine promocionales?

El customer Puede oponerse en cualquier momento a recibir comunicaciones y al tratamiento de sus datos para thin comerciales and promocionales, Contactándonos via informacio@canpistraques.com, Haciendo Click in the in the Baja of each of the Comunicaciones que Reciba, Llamando al number of Atención Al customer 977655102, o dirigiéndose por escrito a CAN pistraques, S.L. Calle Nou, 12, La Riera de Gaià (Tarragona)

6.5-¿Los datos son comunicados to Terceros?

CAPRABO trata and Almacena datos necesarios para:

In. Public administration, Juzgados y Tribunales
If you are self-involved, such as security, jueces y/or Tribunales, Solicitan or Requieren Información or if are necessary to comply with some Ley, CAN pistraques communicate to Dichos terceros los datos que éstos formally soliciten.

6.6. ¿Cómo puede el Customer ejercer sus derechos of Revocación, Acceso, Supresión, Oposición, Rectiación, Limitación, Portabilidad?

You will be able to ejercite the derechos of Acceso, Rectiación, Supresión, revoke Su consentimiento, oponerse to Su Tratamiento, limit the mismo and/or request the portable of SUS datos, through informacio@canpistraques.com, Llamando to the number of Atención to the customer 977655102, dirigidose por escrito in CAN pistraques, S.L. Calle Nou, 12, La Riera de Gaià (Tarragona)

6.7. Security and confidentiality medidas of information.

CAN PISTRAQUES has adopted the opportunity for security in its installations, Sistemas y Ficheros. He has set the Medios Técnicos to Su Long to prevent loss, misuse, alteration, access not Autorizado y Robo de los datos que el customer facilite, Velando así por su integridad, availbilidad y confidenticialidad.

6.8. Cookies Policy

CAN PISTRAQUES uses cookies. Toda la Información to respect in the policy of Cookies.

6.9. Cambios in the Privacy policy

CAN pistraques I have scrupulously cone the leyes applicable to the protection de datos y la privacy policy de los Usuarios. Para Ello, reserves the rights to modify unilaterally, in Cualquier Momento and no notice previo, the conditions of the present policy for Adecuarla in Cualquier cambio normalativo.

7.-Propiedad Intelectual

Todos los Derechos on the Conten of the web Pertenecen to CAN pistraques salvo those de empresas con las que haya firmado el Correspondent Contrato para la provisión de contenidos y estane protegidos por las normas national e internationales de Propiedad Intellectual and industrial.

The design, images, maps, graphs, Marcas, Rótulos, Signos distingutivos or logos of CAN PISTRAQUES, frames, banners, software and SUS Distintos códigos, fuente y objeto, etc. of this website are the Titularidad de CAN PISTRAQUES, that you legititimamente exclusively Explotation derechos on Los Mismos.

The user accessing this website should not copy, modify, distribute, transmigrate, reproduce, publish, Ceder, vender los elementos mencionados or create Nuevos productos or Servicios derivados de la Información obtenida.

It is authorized the Visualización y load para el uso personal and noncommercial of the usuario, sin que unsubscribe hacerlo extensivo to Terceras personas or entidades.

In the case of lookout or diseños that appear in this website Cuya titularidad Sean Empresas Collaboradoras of CAN pistraques the will be of Aplicación, igualmente, the present conditions, salvo Pacto in Contrario.

There is no prohibited the alternation of this web by any of the user that it may affect to Su contenido, Tales como Vínculos (or links) and similares.

Todos los derechos reserved